Children’s dentistry

They dance barefoot on the grass, they try to count the stars, they collect dinosaurs and believe in tooth fairies. They have freckles and curls, bruised knees and soiled faces. They ask why money doesn’t grow on trees, where the wind blows and how hot the sun is. They have their favourite teddy bears, cars without wheels and they trust you like no one else in the world. Therefore, dear Parent, you cannot let your child down.

What you don’t learn as a child you can’t learn as an adult.

And you – dear Parent – are responsible for your child. Taking care of their teeth is our parental responsibility. Unfortunately children are often afraid of the dentist.

At Villa Nova Dental Clinic we do everything we can to make our little patients leave the clinic with a smile on their face. Our aim is to develop in children a positive attitude towards visits in a dental surgery. How do we do it?

At Villa Nova Dental Clinic we employ the best pedodontists with enormous experience in treating children. Thanks to them, your children will feel safe and you can be sure that your sweethearts receive the best professional care.

The branch of dentistry that deals with treating children is pedodontics, also known as paediatric dentistry.

This discipline focuses on:

  • diagnostics,
  • treatment,
  • prevention of diseases affecting teeth, periodontium and the oral cavity in the youngest patients.

This branch of dentistry was distinguished due to a different structure of teeth and chewing organs in children, which is connected with special procedures and treatment methods.

It is extremely important that our children are provided with professional dental care from their youngest years.

As parents, we are responsible for their health and beautiful smile. Remember that if we take care of our children’s teeth effectively, we can spare them many disappointments in the future and save them complex and costly treatment in adult life.